Friday, February 18, 2011


One of my favorite sayings and mantra’s of life is “The final test of leadership is whether or not anyone is following”. Another way to say it is, “If you are leading and no one is following, you are just taking a walk”. As a leader, especially in the religious context, followers mean a lot; a whole lot. Not for the reason you may first think, however. Certainly as a leader you want to “lead”. But more importantly those behind you must be learning, and growing into leaders themselves. A major part of a leader’s job is to make other leaders.
Kenneth O. Gangel writes:
            “Church leaders need to produce leaders who will reproduce leaders precisely as it is done in the family – through experience, instruction, and modeling. The true leader      practices all of them all the time. The leadership process remains at heart a discipling   process with modeling the first indispensible part of the task.” Feeding and Leading.

Think of your ministry, life, work, or organization for a minute … how well are you preparing your followers to lead? As a father my primary job is to prepare my young sons for the experience of manhood. My daily “up-close-and-personal” life must radiate confidence, maturity, compassion and competence … all vital necessities of leadership and must have’s for men and women today.  Compassion may seem like the odd-man-out, but leadership without the ability to feel for and with people is barbarism! People are attracted to you based on what they see “in” you, not by what they see “on” you. That leads to my main CLUE …

1 Sam 22:1-2 says … “All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him.” NIV
David endeared himself tremendously with not only his father’s household, but all of those who were in particular straits themselves.
The text says that among the people, certain sorts were attracted to David.
   (a) The Distressed - 22:2a "everyone who was in distress” (Lit. a narrow place; confinement)
   (b) The Debtors - 22:2b "everyone who was in debt" (you know what debt is - lol)
   (c) The Discontented - 22:2c "everyone who was discontented (Lit. Bitter about life)

These were people on the run, in trouble, and in need of serious help. They knew that their situation was bad and but would get worse if David wasn’t there. David had made a connection with the people. God had blessed him and the people had an affinity with him. We read in

1 Sam. 18:16 (v.5) that “all Israel and Judah loved David, because he went out and came in before them.”

This means that he was a man of the people. He walked with them, he talked with them … he shared in their pains and successes … he was with them on the battlefield … he was available; he was touchable; he was lovable … the people knew if anybody cared for them David did … if anyone could understand them David could … if anyone could help them David was certainly the one!

How well do you identify with those you lead or work with? Would your presence be missed if you were to leave? I’m not speaking of a self-serving, narcissistic type of environment where you have made yourself the center of everything … but would there be a general consensus that things are better when you are there because you have “connected or bonded” with others?  they gladly give up the comfort and stability of their surroundings to be where you are? This at the outset seems strange to think about, but think again of your family and what you provide for them: food, shelter, security, love, etc. Well as a leader you have been placed there to be a provider … a giver … a supplier … a FEEDER!  It’s only when people grasp a deep sense of care and concern that they will long to be where you are. They will come HUNGRY! Competence & courage will take you a long way … but the real test of your leadership is if anyone is actually following your lead! A person with no compassion for the plight of others will soon find that no one behind his back has his back! For David this was a critical reason for his success with people. So much so that he “became their leader” i.e. the people made him their leader.  Look behind you. Anybody there?

You have the CLUE!

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